Microgrants Available for City of Calgary Nonprofit Organizations policy news, community recoveryGuest UserDecember 15, 2020city of calgary, winter, CIP grant, embrace the outdoors grant, FundingComment
Microgrants Available for City of Calgary Nonprofit Organizations policy news, community recoveryGuest UserDecember 15, 2020city of calgary, winter, CIP grant, embrace the outdoors grant, FundingComment
Relaunch of Funding for Community Projects policy newsGuest UserAugust 17, 2020CIP grant, alberta government, grant, CIP Project-Based grantComment
Relaunch of Funding for Community Projects policy newsGuest UserAugust 17, 2020CIP grant, alberta government, grant, CIP Project-Based grantComment
Government of Alberta Reallocates Nonprofit Funding policy news, community recoveryGuest UserMay 19, 2020CIP grant, alberta government, COVID-19, nonprofitsComment
Government of Alberta Reallocates Nonprofit Funding policy news, community recoveryGuest UserMay 19, 2020CIP grant, alberta government, COVID-19, nonprofitsComment
Government of Alberta Introduces Electronic Funds Transfer for Community Grants policy newsGuest UserJune 14, 2019alberta government, electronic fund transfer, community initiatives program, CFEP grant, CIP grantComment