Growing demand for greater competence in managing the partnering process in multi-stakeholder relationships requires a unique skillset to form and maintain effective partnerships. This is particularly true for business, nonprofit, and government professionals that are increasingly seeking to work together to solve complex social problems.
The Partnership Brokers Association, together with CCVO and JS Daw & Associates, are pleased to bring the globally recognized Partnership Brokers Training program to Calgary. This is an intensive program, designed for a diverse group of partnership practitioners from business, nonprofit, community, government, and philanthropy. Successful program participants bring a combination of education and/or experience to the program that allows them to critically evaluate and apply the partnership brokering skills learned.
This skills training allows participants to:
Gain a theoretical framework for partnership brokering and the development of inclusive and innovative partnerships, consortia, and coalitions.
Develop skills in scoping, resource-mapping, facilitation, interest-based negotiation, relationship management, reaching agreement, and reviewing.
Explore common partnership brokering challenges and how to address them.
Create individualized action plans to apply the lessons from the course.
Training Team:
PBA Authorized Practitioner Trainers
Partnership Brokers Global Network
For those who have completed Partnership Brokers Training, you're now part of an alumni of over 3,000 partnership brokers worldwide, and we'd like to invite you to join our Partnership Brokers Network, hosted on the Mighty Networks platform. This is exclusively for graduates of the Partnership Brokers Training. Join here - it only takes a minute to set up your profile! You can also access the network on your phone with the Mighty Networks mobile app.
Become an Accredited Partnership Broker
Another Advanced Practice option for alumni is Accreditation, a 4-month distance-learning course of mentored professional practice, where you work with an accredited PBA mentor to apply your newfound knowledge back in your real context. Successful graduates of this program receive formal recognition of their advanced partnership brokering skills, becoming Accredited Partnership Brokers who may use the APB post-nominals after their name. Many alumni find this program supports and consolidates their learnings from the PBT. Please contact Dolores Puxbaumer, Learning Manager at for advice on Accreditation.